Weathering Covid

Weathering Covid

This is the motto which Spectrum Homes took on board when faced with the so called “Perfect Storm” in the residential construction industry in Australia, caused due to the combination of Covid-19, the government stimulus grants for new home construction, the widespread flooding in Queensland and even the war in Ukraine.  Nobody could have predicted the impact on our lives and our industry, from shortages of skilled labour and materials, then the resulting unprecedented increases in costs for materials, labour and transportation.

Spectrum Homes believe it was the ability to adapt, which has assisted us to weather the storm, we implemented strategies to ensure we would not end up on the ever growing list of collapsed building companies and whilst we weren’t immune to the problems, the decisions we took to not overcommit, closely monitor costs, source alternative suppliers/trades in order to keep jobs moving towards completion, open and honest communication with clients, cut all non essential overheads and spending etc., have all been key to our success.

Going forward, we are currently taking on a strictly limited number of jobs once again for 2024, this is to ensure that our clients have the reassurance that they will receive a quality home designed to suit their individual needs.

Spectrum Homes offer:

  • Highly Experienced New Home Specialists
  • Locally owned and operated multi award winning company
  • Custom Home Specialists
  • Flexibility to make plan changes
  • Supporting Local Suppliers & Trades
  • Versatile design solutions for complex blocks
  • High level of standard inclusions and quality finishes
  • Choose one of our standard designs, or bring your own
  • Knock-Down Rebuilds
  • Completion of Home where your builder has gone into liquidation

If you are thinking of building the home of your dreams, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss your new home needs and provide you with a solution that fits your needs and your budget.

Contact us today and we will be happy to guide you and support you from the initial stages right through to completion!
